
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tomatoes "Poached" in Olive Oil with Garlic and Basil

The recent rains have caused some of the ripening tomatoes to split from excess moisture. Not pretty enough for a salad. Too rough to put up as they are.  The Solution? Poach them in olive oil! Basil and a lot of garlic won't hurt either. They should keep about a week, more if topped off  (covered) with oil. Or freeze them!

Even if your tomatoes are perfect, this is an interesting way to use them up! It takes a few hours.

Tomatoes "Poached" in Olive Oil with Garlic and Basil

 A bunch of Tomatoes  - Imperfect is OK, just keep cutting them in half or big chunks, until the pan you choose is one layer deep.
A large bunch of basil chopped
4+ cloves of garlic - chopped
1/2+ tsp of salt (to taste)
1/2 -3/4 cup olive oil

Preheat oven to 300 F

Slice tomatoes and put in oven proof pan. Sprinkle with salt.

I gathered some basil from the kitchen garden.

Now we need some garlic, I need to plant some this fall to have a spring harvest.

Chop the garlic and basil. Sprinkle over the top of the tomatoes. Add a good amount of olive oil, I used about 1/2 a cup.

Put it in the oven. After an hour take it out and give it a stir. Put it back in the oven. Then again, depending on texture you want you could be done now. I like the tomatoes to almost melt, you might like them with a little more body.

An hour later, take it out and let cool to room temperature.

Put in a clean jar or tupperware. Use in soups, with pasta, drained on toast, eggs, or sandwiches.

Use your imagination.

As I said, you can also freeze it, use thawed tomatoes on pasta and soups.

Eat Well!
The Gastronomic Gardener

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